Richard E Rich Academy 3rd Grade Parents

Were you happy with the 3rd Grade Class Parents’ handling of the following issues?

  • Homeroom teacher drinking heavily on Parents’ Night
  • Renee’s mom blocking the dropoff line by getting out of her car to gossip about the homeroom teacher’s drinking
  • Parent Meeting to discuss the homeroom teacher’s drinking 
  • Exclusion of Renee’s dad from Parent Meeting
  • Renee’s dad hogging two parking places with his oversized SUV at Parent Meeting after hearing about it at the last minute and arriving late
  • Lack of gluten-free, vegetarian or vegan snacks at Exclusive Parent Meeting
  • Fight between Renee’s parents at Exclusive Unhealthy Parent Meeting
  • Intervention on Renee’s Dad for his anger issues and possible drunkenness at Exclusive Unhealthy Violent Parent Meeting
  • Accidental (?) Reply-All email about backstory of Renee’s parents’ divorce
  • Need for sensitivity to substance abuse issues as mental health concerns among faculty reflecting pandemic stress and low salaries
  • Accidental (?) leak of teacher’s salaries and benefits package by parent on Board of Trustees
  • Investigation into the inexplicably high salary of the part-time shop teacher and mysterious double 401K accounts for Head of School
  • Fundraising for homeroom teacher’s rehab stay not covered by skimpy school insurance plan
  • Arranging care rota for homeroom teacher’s dog while she is at rehab
  • Fundraising for surgery for homeroom teacher’s dog run over by Renee’s dad
  • Investigation into pilfered funds from teacher fundraiser
  • Confrontation with Renee’s mom over funds she stole
  • Exclusive Parent Meeting About Problems With Renee’s Parents 
  • Exclusive Parent Meeting not accessible to homeroom teacher’s injured dog 
  • Exclusive Non-Accessible Parent Meeting not sensitive to the mental health issues created for Renee by her parents
  • Fundraiser for therapy dog for Renee at Exclusive Non-Accessible Insensitive Parent Meeting
  • Homeroom teacher bitten by Renee’s therapy dog at welcome home party
  • Fundraiser for rehab for Renee’s therapy dog


Rate Our Performance on Each Issue From

Very Outraged
Somewhat Outraged
On Your Team As One Of Your Best Friends
Didn’t Hear About It And Think It Is An Example of Bourgeois Pettiness and Privilege
Please Remove Me From The Parent Email List

Thank you for filling out this survey!

Your Class Parents

–Renee’s Mom
–Renee’s Dad


Also Read: Everyone Knows Ballet Is Creepy

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