Classroom Yoga SEL Satire Exercise for Schools


This short Social and Emotional Learning classroom yoga exercise will solve all your students’ problems with simple, free self-care

Listen to this soothing video with calming yoga poses.

Imagine you are not pitted against each other in endless competition at school.

Imagine that your safety is more important than gun ideology or profits.

Imagine you are not being exploited for your data and your tax dollar value by the education industry.

Imagine you are not being conditioned to compliance for corporate America.

Imagine adults take responsibility for the things that cause you worry and stop asking you to carry the anxieties of the world.

Students deserve more from us.

Comments Have Been Closed by SchoolNewsToday Editor-in-Chief on This SEL Video

**Starred Comment**


This snarky video perfectly encapsulates the snowflake mentality that makes my students think BOTH that they deserve a yoga break AND that their cushy self-cafe curriculum is somehow yet ANOTHER injury to them. In my day, there were REAL wars, and a hell of a lot more of us died in those wars than in school shootings. Our classroom exercise was ducking and covering under a desk to act out a nuclear attack. Get over yourselves Gen Z.  The way our economy is going, you would be lucky to get a corporate job. I don’t see the humor, this is just sad. Also, I thought yoga was canceled in schools because it is cultural appropriation!? Namaste, ninnies.

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