Bad Friends

Love to hate
Hate to love
Their cruelty
An old glove

Kaylee cries
In kindergarten
Yes the scars
Are forever

As the teacher
I can tell
Birthday parties
Don’t go well

After the cupcakes
Sima’s slap
Makes the blood
Run like sap

Does a gift
Give or get
Between mothers
It is a debt

The party is
A crank you turn
To make the other
Children burn

Sima stole
Your Lego set
Ruled the party
Won the bet

She said you are
Fat and stupid
And you won’t
Be included

But Kaylee
Come September
Sima’s smile
May seem tender

Your birthday is
An edifice
Every year
It is less

–Ticky Kennedy

Poet in Residence


“Children can cause untold suffering, not only for their peers but for parents as well. Children’s friendships begin early–in infancy–and run exceptionally deep in intensity and loyalty. As children grow, their friendships become more complex and layered but also more emotionally fraught, marked by both extraordinary intimacy and bewildering cruelty.” 

Best Friends, Worst Enemies: Understanding The Social Lives of Children
Michael G. Thompson, Ph.D. and Catherine O’Neill Grace with Lawrence J. Cohen, Ph.D.

Also Read: Mother Accused of Making Unhealthy Birthday Cupcake

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