Hilarious tweets from Fred’s University
adjunct professors and lecturers this week will have you laughing your head off.

“I couldn’t afford food for the 4 days until my next paycheck, so I did some dumpster diving for canapes from the Capital Campaign Fundraiser and got food poisoning.”
(“The low pay that contingent faculty face has also led to food insecurity among some faculty members and their families, with 26 percent saying they had problems accessing adequate food,” AFT 2020 Adjunct Faculty Quality of Work/Life Report.)

“My department chair told me I could only teach this term if I agreed to let him film me stroking him naked with a hot ruler.”
(“For an Adjunct Professor, Academic Power Dynamics Play into Rape Culture,” Bitchmedia.org.

“The annual air pollution from my daily 4-hour commute between low-paying colleges is enough to kill a baby.”
(Nearly half a million newborns die a year as a result of  air pollution, State of Global Air Study.)

“I had to saw off my own arm after a classroom accident because I don’t have health insurance.” 
(“Adjuncts are higher education’s version of migrant laborers — professionals hopping from campus to campus with no job security, a meager income, no health insurance or retirement benefits, and little hope for advancement, The Plight of Adjunct Faculty on America’s Campuses, BestColleges.com.)

“I’m quitting because I can’t stand the soul-crushing rage at being treated like a dumpster dive canape in this chainsaw massacre of a school. Plus smell of cat pee in the adjunct locker room has infected my overcoat.”
(“The Hidden & Prolonged Dangers Of Your Cat’s Urine: 5 Crucial Things To Know,” Petsho.com.)


Also Read:Letter of Resignation: Close The Schools!

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