Historic violations of students’ bodies in the name of the Public School Zero Dress Code have resulted in several embarrassing sexual assault cases for Public School Zero, and a cost-benefit analysis by an outside legal consultant has determined that the old policy was both expensive and ineffective.

In keeping with the new Hands Off Dress Code, teachers who poke or prod at students in an attempt to police their appearance will now be subject to detention for Dress Code Violations.

The new Dress Code of Conduct requires respect for all cultural styles of dress, and for student’s control of their own bodies. Snapping bra straps, tugging tank tops, and manhandling hems will all be considered inappropriate physical contact. 

Teachers who touch student hair deemed in violation of white cultural norms, or in an attempt to find out “if it’s real,” will be treated as violators of the new Hands Off policy.

Meanwhile, the original Teacher Dress Code still remains in effect and Mrs. Ebony Brown was asked to leave school for the day after the Principal found her breasts to be too “suggestive” in a knit turtleneck which he demonstrated by pulling at the fabric of her shirt.


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