Landscape Vs. Portrait
What I teach Versus what I am Toast versus jam Days of the week Versus here I am Slap versus slam In my head Versus on the exam Rush versus ram Verses that rhyme Versus only scan Sheep versus lamb Where I walk Versus where I ran Being versus began Where I wander Versus what I plan Cheese versus ham --Ticky Kennedy Reclusive Poet in Residence
“A vertical rectangle has long been held as the best way to show a seated or standing portrait of a powerful person with lots of money. While the sideways rectangle has traditionally been used to show the vast amount of land that that person owns. These two genres of painting dominate European art.
In fact, most paintings from the 17th, 18th and 19th century that you’ll see in an art museum will fit into one of these two categories.
While landscape-oriented cinema is about storytelling and setting and filming interactions between people, the vertical video format is primed for a single subject showing shoulders up, talking directly to the viewer. Selfie mode is to portraiture, what cinema is to landscape. Just another instance in history where people have selected the best format to tell the world: Here I am.”
The 2000 year history of Portrait vs Landscape, Mary McGillivray.