Meeting Minutes in Haiku

Sciku is haiku
For science poems from prose
Answers in verses

First five syllables
Seven syllables inside
Seventeen in all

At the lab meeting
I am the secretary
Here is what I have

Bob is so boring
And he interrupts so much
That I want to die

Brenda’s nail polish
Still smells strong from the salon
I can’t sit with her

Bob doodles death threats
With Brenda on a gallows
We all want him gone

If the meeting ends
In murder would the God damned
Meeting ever end?

These minutes only
Last as long as lawsuits do
Too long for haiku

–Ticky Kennedy

Poet in Residence


“The use of haiku, which traditionally describe the wonder of natural phenomena, is part of a growing push, fueled in part by social media, to use unconventional means to make science more accessible,” Daniela Hernandez, “Haikus About Space/Make Science Less Tedious/So Hope Scientists: To get attention for their papers, scientists turn research summaries into poetry,” The Wall Street Journal.

Visit: The Sciku Project: The Latest Scientific Discoveries in haiku form by zoologist Andrew Holmes.

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