The newly established Department of Podcasting, which is scheduled to gradually replace the Department of English over the next 5 years, has announced the launch of its first commercial product. In association with Silicon Underwriters of America, Fred’s University will be selling an inexpensive app, tentatively named Snip Chat, that allows listeners to skip the initial chit-chat at the start of a podcast. 

No more guessing when the inane chatter will end and the serious content will begin! This app uses sophisticated AI to determine the exact moment when irritating discussions of the weather in a faraway town, pop culture references to things older people don’t understand, extraneous personal reveals and sexist banter comes to an end. 

It is estimated that the average serious podcast listener will be able to save 60 hours a year by using Snip Chat.

In keeping with the drive to monetize all academic departments by 2040, this venture marks a promising beginning to the Silicon Underwriters of America partnership. In exchange for a cut in the revenue for Snip Chat, Silicon Underwriters have endowed a state-of-the-art podcasting booth in the department lounge.


Also Read: Department of Podcasting

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