Student Evaluation Form for ESOL/ELL Tutor: Friday Office Poetry

Difficult Heart

The question says
I should be
Completely honest

I always felt
My honesty was
In question

We were not allowed
To take books home
Or so she said

We were not allowed
To see our test results
Or so she said

We were not allowed
To learn from home
Or so she said

I heard her tell
The new teacher
Not to be soft-hearted

I looked it up
Soft-hearted sounds
So nice but isn’t

What I learned
I taught myself
Soft-hearted is

What hard-hearted*
Teachers think
That love is not

When they have
A pocket full of pens
They will not share

–Ticky Kennedy
Reclusive Poet in Residence


* According to a Pennsylvania State study, “Teachers’ negative beliefs and attitudes toward English Language Learners (ELL) result in reduced support and resources necessary for academic success. In order to avoid academic inequality and disadvantages, it is crucial for teachers, teacher educators, school administrators, policymakers, and researchers to make an effort to change teachers’ negative beliefs and attitudes towards English Language Learners”  Science Direct.

Also Read:Grades I Regret Giving

Listen to our podcast, Friday Office Poetry, on Pocket CastSpotifyGoogle Podcasts and Anchor.

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