A recent Equity Audit at Public School Zero revealed that a persistent source of divisiveness was the “icebreakers” used at the start of admin zoom meetings and faculty events. The most common question suggested in small groups at PSZ to “get the conversation going” was Tell us about your vacation, which resulted in richer faculty members dominating with tales of Aruba, while teachers who cannot afford vacations remained silent. Similarly divisive “This or That” icebreakers like Cruise or Resort? Hot Tub or Hot Springs? Tesla or Porsche? created bad feelings.

The Equity Auditors noted that small talk can often reinforce the power of the dominant group and can push people apart rather than bringing them together. Unpopular crotchety old white administrator Bob Smith objected that the Equity Auditors had no sense of humor, and what was really needed was more fun lighthearted icebreakers like Blondes or Redheads? Girls or Boys? Sexy Librarian or Hot for Teacher? Brown Sugar or White Sugar? Marriage or Career? When José Martínez, the only out Hispanic teacher at Public School Zero, suggested that Bob might enjoy Combover or Toupee? Nursing home or home care? Prozac or Viagara? Depends or Attends Briefs? Administrative Leave or Suspension? Bob censured him for microaggressions.

At the next Zoom meeting after the censure, small group participants took it upon themselves to come up with their own icebreakers including Pay Your Electrical Bill or Your Water Bill? Support Your Adult Children or Parents? Report Sexual Harassment or Keep Your Job?


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