At the Association of Imaginary Schools’ annual Corporate Consultants Conference, a number of new industry-sponsored trends emerged. 

Most exciting was the evolution of the cost-cutting educational trend of entirely eliminating faculty. As the attending Corporate Consultants pointed out in their lengthy Powerpoint presentations, reducing the size of faculties has been the standard advice of consultants for several decades. Eliminating faculties altogether is just the natural endpoint of that process.

Research funded by the education industry has consistently shown that the real objectives of education are synergy, alignment, inquiry-based learning, and profitability. None of these institutional competencies require faculty, and in fact, some studies show that faculty actively resist these core concepts. 

The money wasted on teachers, with their hefty healthcare and pension costs, can be profitably invested in consultants who are better able to deliver on the objectives they have themselves targeted. Some studies have shown that teachers are distrustful of consultants, so this solution represents a win-win solution whereby teachers will no longer have to interface with the consultants who will take their jobs and convert their classrooms into discovery centers. 


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